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Student Policies

Standard Of Conduct and Termination

As a student in a Christian college and seminary, we believe that each of us, as matter of a good testimony before men (I Timothy 3;7), should adhere to a high standard of behavior, Each individual should remember that Bible holds each of us accountable for our own actions (Romans 14:12). A student, whose personal conduct is a poor testimony for Christ or fails to live in accordance with the scriptural ideals of the institution, will ne spiritually counseled and disciplined by a member of the administration. The college reserves the right to refuse admission, to put on disciplinary probation, or to dismiss any student whose spiritual accountability or personal conduct is not consistent with the Christian spirit and standards of the college.

Men's Dress Code


The expectations for student dress are designed to reflect the principles of modesty, distinction, and appropriateness. All students are expected to dress modestly, in conservative fashions, and with a level of propriety that encourages purity.  Men and women should be distinctive in their appearance. For this reason, men are not to wear effeminate hair styles, apparel, or cosmetics such as makeup and nail polish. Appropriateness in dress is related to the setting and activity.


Men should wear foot covering and avoid shorts, tank tops, T-shirts or sweats.




Women's Dress Code

Clothing and Appearance

The expectations for student dress are designed to reflect the principles of modesty, distinction, and appropriateness. All students are expected to dress modestly, in conservative fashions, and with a level of propriety that encourages purity. It is considered immodest to wear clothing that is revealing or tightfitting. Men and women should be distinctive in their appearance.


Dresses and skirts are acceptable for all categories unless otherwise stated and must cover to the level of the kneecap at all times. Tops are to cover the back, midriff, and cleavage; undergarments should be worn but not seen. Sheer material alone is not considered adequate for coverage. 



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